Trip to Thailand

1429 days is a long time, unless you are in Jupiter where it would just be one-third of a year. But that is exactly how long it took me to muster enough boredom to write my second blog post. That is not to say that I have been busy having a rollicking fun-filled life… Just that I was getting less bored at being bored. But at last I decided to revive my long dormant blog and to resume my English murdering skills. A huge Hurraah to myself please!

I am just back from an awesome trip to Thailand.  Last month my friend Vicky invited me for a vacation in Bangkok. He was planning to go to India to attend wedding of another friend of ours. And while returning back to California he said he will transit via Bangkok and Dubai. Don't ask me in which parallel universe Bangkok & Dubai sits en route from Chennai to California. But I assumed he was either desperate to see Thailand or terribly poor in Geography. I just gave a notional consent. Our man decided that the only way to confirm my availability would be to book tickets and let me know. And so he did.

Initially I had a lot of apprehensions about visiting Thailand, Bangkok in particular. The headline grabbing floods and political unrest in Thailand didn't help my cause. To make things worse, another friend of ours, Amrish, suggested if we were to tour together in Thailand, it would certainly end like Hangover 2. That kind of scared me. I agree it is a great fun movie to watch, but I don't think I would ever want to be part of it.

And to top it, we had absolutely no planning. The only thing that was on a schedule was the flight tickets. Rest of the schedule between arrival and departure were just as indeterminate as product of Azhagiri's wealth and his English skills. My friend's prediction of Hangover 2 kept flashing across my mind. I also had to stay for one extra day because due to some weird ticket pricing it was cheaper if I returned on Saturday night rather than on Friday night. That meant having one whole day on my own alone in Bangkok. All of these added to the scariness quotient, but it actually made me more interested. In hindsight, my extra one day stay turned out to be a blessing, Vicky missed quite some fun on the last day.

More to come...


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