Ahemm... Hi guys.. here I am with a new blog of mine. I had a slightly dysfuntional homepage that was as primitive as stone age and hence fittingly outdated. This is my feeble attempt to engage myself a bit more. Hopefully in future I will be able to drain my thoughts here, capture few memories here and there and of course, to kill time (I seem to have a whole lot of it pretty underutilized). Nothing special has inspired me to start this one, other than long hours of uninspiring boredom and an onslaught of pointless thoughts in due course. Just as some wise man put it, great thoughts are not to be left alone. I mentioned resolve somewhere, because this blog has been part of my resolution for so long, but postponed indiscreetly by consistently fresh bouts of laziness. I am an expert procrastinator and proudly so. After countless battles with my laziness and creative slumps I have put together this first post of the blog and God only knows when the next one will come up. I am a sim...